Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tookie's Apology:

Tookie Williams in his apology is apologyzing for all the bad things he had done and all the violence he had help created . Tookie in his apology is describing how he didn't know that the gang he form the "Crips" which he and a friend Raymond Lee created in south Los Angels will spread throught California and on the rest of the nations and cities in South Africa . Because of him many joung people had been drown into this war between gangs that had been running their lives . He explains how he didn't know that things will get this far and will cause soo much damage to the comunities and countries were joung people's lives are been taken away because of the gang violence the "crips" and many other international gangs had created. " I am troubled because of the crips legacy " , says Tookie. The crips are run by violence and death , and he feels guilty for what he has created according to what he says. "So today I apologize to you all the children of America and South Africa who must cope every day with dangerous street gangs. I no longer participate in the so-called gangster lifestyle, and I deeply regret that I ever did" , says Tookie , he says that he is truly regrets the day he and his friend created the crips which had been ruining the lifes of many joung people around the world . " My goal is to reach as many young minds as possible to warn you about the perils of a gang lifestyle." says Tookie , he wants to warn as many joung people as he can to not fall in the hands of gang living and violence . As a conclusion i think that Tookie is really sorry for what he did , i believe that if he really waesn't he wouldn't had espend the rest of his living days writting books about gang violece to warn joung people to not joing gangs .