Tuesday, January 22, 2008


one time of my life were i felt like an outsider and outside of the larger group was when i came for the first time to the United States . i felt really left out because i didn't speak the language plus it seens that i couldn't fit in with the others kids, i felt like a total stranger around them .

there was one time in my life were i was made to do something i didn't want to do and that was when i was 8 years old and it was my first day in the 3 grade . That day i woke up with the worst mood ever , i didn't want to wake up plus i didn't want to go to school either . I didn't feel like doing nothing that day . But my mother didn't really care about how i felt , she say that i better get out of bed and go to school . She maded me go , that's the first time in my life that somebody actually maked me do something .

for me the word rebel means to go against something , to rebel against someone to be against something even thought everyone else seens to think the opposite.

in my opinion one of my friends , named linnet is a rebel because she really doesn't care if the whole world is against what she thinks she will keep trusting her beliefs. she is the kind of person that is consider a rebel for me because she is really open minded and doesn't mind to speak her mind off even if some people don't agree with what she beliefs . she is a rebel because she will go against something if she thinks is not right even thought everyone else thinks different .
no in my opinion violence doesn't solve problems it causes problems. some people thinks that by using violence they could solve their problems but in my opinion they are making them worst . for example , one of my friends got into an argument with this girl , she told that she will need to use violence to be able to solve her problem which only maked things worst . at the end a simple explenation to solve the problems led to paceful settlement and that ended that issue . that's why for me violence doesn't solve problems
some non - violent ways to solve problems is by using a simple explenation to solve the issue , instead of creating more problems you are trying to find a peaceful way to solve them
for me the defenition of a gang is a group of people with no lifes that have nothing better to do than hang out with other idiots like them and cause problems .
no, i dont know nobody that have been affected by a gang . But i have seen and heard all the trouble they cause by their violent way to do things .
in my opinion people form gangs just to find a way to scape their problems , i have known people who had say that their gang is like their family because they TREAT each other like one plus is like a way to scape their own family and other kind of problems . that's why people form gangs in my opinion