Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tookie's Apology:

Tookie Williams in his apology is apologyzing for all the bad things he had done and all the violence he had help created . Tookie in his apology is describing how he didn't know that the gang he form the "Crips" which he and a friend Raymond Lee created in south Los Angels will spread throught California and on the rest of the nations and cities in South Africa . Because of him many joung people had been drown into this war between gangs that had been running their lives . He explains how he didn't know that things will get this far and will cause soo much damage to the comunities and countries were joung people's lives are been taken away because of the gang violence the "crips" and many other international gangs had created. " I am troubled because of the crips legacy " , says Tookie. The crips are run by violence and death , and he feels guilty for what he has created according to what he says. "So today I apologize to you all the children of America and South Africa who must cope every day with dangerous street gangs. I no longer participate in the so-called gangster lifestyle, and I deeply regret that I ever did" , says Tookie , he says that he is truly regrets the day he and his friend created the crips which had been ruining the lifes of many joung people around the world . " My goal is to reach as many young minds as possible to warn you about the perils of a gang lifestyle." says Tookie , he wants to warn as many joung people as he can to not fall in the hands of gang living and violence . As a conclusion i think that Tookie is really sorry for what he did , i believe that if he really waesn't he wouldn't had espend the rest of his living days writting books about gang violece to warn joung people to not joing gangs .

Friday, February 1, 2008


If i was ask for any of my family members to join a gang i will aways say no . If any of my family members ask me to join a gang , for me this mean that they dont really care about me . In my opinion gangs just bring death and violence and unhappiness. And if any of my family knowing this come and ask me to join this means that they really dont care about my safety and security.
Even if they preasure me to join i would aways stay with my mind set in not joining . In my personal opinion many of the gangs memebers join because of peer preasure , their freinds make them join by telling them that everybody is joining in and that this is was cool now and that kind of nonsense, that's why many people join because of peer preasure , another reason why people join is beacuse of problems they have at home or at work . Many people see gangs at a way to get away from their problems , a gang is like their family for some of this people . They portect each other , like from the book Freedom Writters , were that girl say that they dont care if they need to die or suffer , is all weath it for the best of their gang , their raza/race. But in many cases like the one in Freedom Writters , a lot of gang members die and after that their memebers forget them quick cuz for them they were lucky and should has die with pride beacuse they died for the best of their raza , their barrio . You see me i thinks this is crazy , giving their lifes away for a meanless war between races , many lives were lost because of this . That's why i will never join a gang , even if family , friends , and peer preasure is aways there to preasure my decision.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


one time of my life were i felt like an outsider and outside of the larger group was when i came for the first time to the United States . i felt really left out because i didn't speak the language plus it seens that i couldn't fit in with the others kids, i felt like a total stranger around them .

there was one time in my life were i was made to do something i didn't want to do and that was when i was 8 years old and it was my first day in the 3 grade . That day i woke up with the worst mood ever , i didn't want to wake up plus i didn't want to go to school either . I didn't feel like doing nothing that day . But my mother didn't really care about how i felt , she say that i better get out of bed and go to school . She maded me go , that's the first time in my life that somebody actually maked me do something .

for me the word rebel means to go against something , to rebel against someone to be against something even thought everyone else seens to think the opposite.

in my opinion one of my friends , named linnet is a rebel because she really doesn't care if the whole world is against what she thinks she will keep trusting her beliefs. she is the kind of person that is consider a rebel for me because she is really open minded and doesn't mind to speak her mind off even if some people don't agree with what she beliefs . she is a rebel because she will go against something if she thinks is not right even thought everyone else thinks different .
no in my opinion violence doesn't solve problems it causes problems. some people thinks that by using violence they could solve their problems but in my opinion they are making them worst . for example , one of my friends got into an argument with this girl , she told that she will need to use violence to be able to solve her problem which only maked things worst . at the end a simple explenation to solve the problems led to paceful settlement and that ended that issue . that's why for me violence doesn't solve problems
some non - violent ways to solve problems is by using a simple explenation to solve the issue , instead of creating more problems you are trying to find a peaceful way to solve them
for me the defenition of a gang is a group of people with no lifes that have nothing better to do than hang out with other idiots like them and cause problems .
no, i dont know nobody that have been affected by a gang . But i have seen and heard all the trouble they cause by their violent way to do things .
in my opinion people form gangs just to find a way to scape their problems , i have known people who had say that their gang is like their family because they TREAT each other like one plus is like a way to scape their own family and other kind of problems . that's why people form gangs in my opinion